Wednesday, April 12

crazy expenses

its the time of the month again to calculate (the past 2months or less) expenses. my boyfriend has the receipts kept.

its a whopping RM3100! on food alone. excluding my side (which i think can easily total up to 4grand). gosh. have we been eating that much? but im still as skinny as ever. in fact, skinnier. my baby darling? not as bloated as he was a few months ago. *lol* i guess we have very high metabolism la. :)

we should really cut-down our almost- extravagant spending on food. therefore, we shall:

  1. have a budget of RM8 @most (each person) for our lunches. (blame the hot&humid weather, we always ended up eating in malls; which means we spend an average of RM35 *grins*)
  2. have dinner @home during weekdays.
  3. spend less on ALCOHOL! mmm hmmm. we can really drink *ahem* (we have not been drinking as often as before - but our expenses are still high!)
  4. lesser visits (we are already compare to last time) to expensive restaurants - we love to indulge into fine food :)
we'll see if this works by the end of this month :D


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