Saturday, March 25


last sat's rave wasnt as expected. it was .. alright. i guess its because i just couldnt stop making comparisons between his live set @holland &the one held here. :P

i was bored and almost dozed off half way thru his set.

&i thought i was the only one feeling bored. :D

we managed to snap a group photo but tubby was missing

no one knew where he went and reunited with friends moments later looking like this:


you look hiao in that photo. no? wonder what you did when you werent with us :P

it was a good night afterall :) met up with friends whom i hadnt hung out for a long long time.

go to my multiply for photos aight.


Blogger Tia said...

wakakakaka :D

chill chill

11:38 PM  

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